* Orchestrates the audible (and visual cursor) rendering of the chart
* @private
* @param {integer} duration - the length of the rendering in milliseconds
* @param {DataWrapper} data - the underlying data (wrapped in interface)
* @param {PitchMapper} pitchMapper - maps data to pitches
* @param {Sounder} sounder - the sounder object
* @param {VisualCallback} visualCallback - the callback function that highlights the current datum
class Player {
constructor(duration, data, pitchMapper, sounder, visualCallback) {
this.data = data
this.pitchMapper = pitchMapper
this.sounder = sounder
if (arguments.length < 5) {
this.visualCallback = null
} else {
this.visualCallback = visualCallback
const seriesLen = this.data.seriesLength(0)
this._numberOfSeries = this.data.numSeries()
const sampling = Player._samplingInfo(duration, seriesLen)
this.interval = sampling.interval
this.sampleOneIn = sampling.in
this.seriesMaxIndex = seriesLen - 1 // TODO just use seriesLen?
this._state = 'ready'
* Main entry point; manages state.
playPause() {
switch (this._state) {
case 'ready':
case 'playing':
case 'paused':
case 'finished':
throw Error('Player error: invalid state: ' + String(this._state))
stepBackward(skip) {
const delta = skip || 50
this.playIndex -= delta
if (this.playIndex < 0) {
this.playIndex = 0 // TODO test limiting
if (this._state === 'paused') {
stepForward(skip) {
const delta = skip || 50
this.playIndex += delta
if (this.playIndex > this.seriesMaxIndex) {
this.playIndex = this.seriesMaxIndex // TODO test limiting
if (this._state === 'paused') {
* Resets play state and sets up a recurring function to update the sound
* (and, optionally, visual callback) at an interval dependant on the
* number of data.
_play() {
// Debugging info
this.playTimes = [] // store all lengths of time that playOne took
this.playCount = 0 // how many datum points were actually sounded?
this.startTime = performance.now()
this.playIndex = 0
* Update state and set _playOne() to run regularly, to render the sound
* (and optional visual cursor movement).
_playLoop() {
this._state = 'playing'
this._playOne() // so that it starts immediately
this.intervalID = setInterval(() => this._playOne(), this.interval)
* This is where the sound is actually played. If a visual callback was
* specified, this also coordinates the visual highlighting of the current
* datum as the playback occurs.
_playOne() {
const thisPlayTimeStart = performance.now()
if (this.playIndex <= this.seriesMaxIndex) {
// Play back one datum point
if (this.visualCallback !== null) {
for (let i = 0; i < this._numberOfSeries; i++ ) {
this.sounder.frequency(i, this.pitchMapper.map(i,
this.data.seriesValue(i, this.playIndex)))
} else {
// Playback is complete; clean up
this._state = 'finished'
// Debugging info
// console.log(`Player: Playing ${this.playCount} of ${this.playIndex} took ${Math.round(performance.now() - this.startTime)} ms`)
const sum = this.playTimes.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur)
const mean = sum / this.playTimes.length
// console.log(`Player: Average play func time: ${mean.toFixed(2)} ms`)
this.playIndex += this.sampleOneIn > 0 ? this.sampleOneIn : 1 // TODO sl
this.playCount += 1
this.playTimes.push(performance.now() - thisPlayTimeStart)
* Temporarily pause the rendering of the chart.
* This inherently keeps the sound going at the frequency it was at when
* the pause was triggered.
* @todo feature/object to stop/fade the sound after n seconds?
_pause() {
this._state = 'paused'
/* Work out sampling rate */
static _samplingInfo(duration, seriesLen) {
const minInterval = 10
let interval
let sampleOneIn
let slots
const idealInterval = Math.ceil(duration / seriesLen)
// console.log(`sampleInfo: duration: ${duration}; series length: ${seriesLen}; ideal interval: ${idealInterval}`)
if (idealInterval < minInterval) {
interval = minInterval
slots = Math.floor(duration / minInterval)
const sampleOneInFloat = seriesLen / slots
sampleOneIn = Math.round(seriesLen / slots)
// console.log(`sampleInfo: Need to sample 1 in ${sampleOneIn} (${sampleOneInFloat})`)
} else {
slots = Math.floor(duration / minInterval)
interval = idealInterval
sampleOneIn = 1
// console.log(`sampleInfo: it will take ${ (seriesLen / sampleOneIn) * interval}`)
return {
'sample': 1,
'in': sampleOneIn,
'interval': interval